1. Genesis Marketing PRODUCTION Orientation - how much to produce and cheap to make available a wide range of products and buyers to obtain cost advantages over potential competitors in the implementation of the necessary care product. - Associated with a general acceleration of economic growth in the second half of the nineteenth century - Mass production - Poor market in terms of product differentiation - Market sellers Orientation sales - how to sell what the company is able to produce cheaply and in bulk. - Increasing the degree of saturation of the market and the tightening of competition - The first systems of mass distribution of products - Twenty years in the U.S. Orientation MARKETING - how to select and acquire, or to create and maintain the market, the company would provide a source of income adequate to its needs and aspirations of development. - The free decision of the fund as the interest of companies - Competition from marginal sectors firms - Cosmopolitanism and globalization of markets - Accelerating innovation and shortening product life cycle - Creation of new needs and markets STRATEGIC MARKETING - how - in a changing environment - and get to choose, or create and maintain the market, the company would provide a source of income adequate to its needs and aspirations of the long-term development. - The need to develop the concept of long-term adaptation - The ability to identify opportunities and threats - Strategic management
2. The concept of marketing MARKETING IN A classic - means the planning, coordination and control of all activities of the undertaking, aimed at current and potential markets. (profit-oriented) - Create a market and the buyer is an objective of the enterprise of philosophy - Systematic impact on the market by means of specific tools - The decisions reflected in the market at plan and institutionalized form of the decision-making processes MARKETING IN RECOGNITION broad - the process of social and management, through which individuals and groups through the mutual exchange of goods and obtain what they need and want. 3. General principles of marketing PRINCIPLE OF SELECTION AND SHAPING deliberate firm - the most widely understood of the assets is the set of actual and potential buyers. PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST MARKET - providing the necessary information on the needs, desires and motives of potential buyers. THE IMPACT ON THE PRINCIPLE OF INTEGRATED MARKET (MARKETING MIX) - a concrete impact on the market not individual instruments, but well formed their composition (synergy).
Marketing mix is the composition of the hierarchical structure: - product - prices - distribution - promotion PRINCIPLE PLANNING market - the need to gather and analyze relevant information and considerations, design and evaluation of the actions of their anticipated consequences. PRINCIPLES OF CONTROL marketing efforts - a statement of implementation plans, as well as disclosure of possible causes of failure and a source of unexpected successes. 4. Marketing Features PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS: 1) the collection of market information 2) Market Research 3) planning of the product and the product 4) calculation of prices and delivery 5) organizing the distribution system 6) the planning of promotional activities 7) monitoring and analysis of the results of marketing EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS: 1) ad 2) activation of the sale 3) and in customer service (information, negotiation, contracting, selling, hiring, customer complaints, etc.) 4) Shipment of goods 5) transport and shipping 6) economy, stocks of finished goods 7) servicing buyers 8) control of billing and management of the contracts SUPPORT FUNCTIONS: 1) financing (credit distributors, hire-purchase, etc.) 2) participation in insurance and risk from its effects 5. Sectoral determinants of marketing Marketing of consumer goods - focused on the final link in the reproduction process, ie the household and the individual consumer or user who is the subject of a good physical. - The original character of demand (the needs of consumer-generated) - A large number of players representing the demand - A high number of individual decisions to purchase - Indirect distribution - The vast anonymity of market contacts MARKETING PRODUCTION GOODS (INDUSTRIAL) - Secondary nature of demand (in relation to demand in the market of consumer goods) - Assembled and formalized process for decisions to buy, - Limited number of potential buyers and a significant degree of concentration of demand - Distribution, direct or by using short-channel outlets, - Importance of certain leading marketing instruments (eg credit supply, personal sales, product approvals) - Strong links with international markets MARKETING SERVICES - Intangible nature of services - Services can not be produced "on the" consumption can usually occurs simultaneously with the provision of services - In principle can not be moved in space - Services are often customized and hardly giving up the standardization - Often have to provide a personal nature, closely associated with a particular contractor - Special emphasis is placed on developing a positive image and attract a potential customer confidence CONSUMERS AND BUYER Consumers - households - a body of socio-economic development; the person making the act of consumption (consumption) of the product. Buyer - a company market. The types of purchases: - Purchases regardless - Purchases made after one of the strong influence of family members - Purchases jointly Final goods and services - are purchased for consumption with (consumption) by the household. CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Profile (figure) describe consumer characteristics such as age, sex, occupation, education, marital status and family, place of residence, housing, mobility (change of place of residence). HIERARCHY OF NEEDS 1. physical needs - Physiological needs - Security 2. the needs of social affiliation - Of belonging and love - Respect and position of 3. Personal needs - The need to implement their own personality Living Disposal of income - the sum of all cash receipts to the household net of taxes. Living standards - a level of satisfaction of needs. Is determined by: - Mainly by Regulation Income - National income per capita growth rates and many of this size CONSUMER LIFESTYLE Lifestyles of consumers - a wide range of characteristics of social and psychological: - Material and spiritual culture of life, - Membership of a social class - Performed social roles, - Participation in a group of reference - Function as a opiniodawcy for other members of the group of reference - Phase of the life cycle, in which there is now a household and the consequent implications for joint decision - The amount of time devoted to various forms of activity DECISION-MAKING PROCESS It consists of 5 phases: - Feeling the need to - Looking for alternatives - search for and collect information about the various possibilities of meeting the needs of - Evaluation of alternatives - to analyze the collected information on the characteristics of alternative assets - Decision to purchase - Feelings after the purchase CONCEPT AND ROLE segmentation Market Segmentation - the division of the market in a relatively homogeneous group of consumers that differ in reactions to the product and the impact of other instruments on the market. Factors such as to prevent market segmentation: - Fragments of a given market show insufficient capacity or be unavailable for some reason - If the company can not or does not intend to diversify the product and the impact on the market - The enterprise is to produce "bulk" product of nature not susceptible to the diversification - Segmentation is unnecessary, if the product is intended only for a few solid mass audience - On a small scale economic activities, the costs may outweigh the benefits of segmentation, which may be due to the Conditions SELECTION CRITERIA segmentation Two approaches used in marketing studies to separate the segments: 1. The approach of "objective characteristics" - that describe the variables: demographic factors, economic, sociological 2. The approach that draws attention to "the reasons for buying (buying patterns) - "Why does the buyer buy a product?" - "How consumers respond to specific activation tool sale?" CRITERIA featuring buyers Segmentation criteria that describe the characteristics of buyers of consumer goods and services: - Criteria for geographic - Demographic criteria - Economic criteria - Criteria for social Criteria for fragmentation of the means of production: - Geography (location of purchasers and users) - Industry (industry, agriculture, etc.) - Economic (scale and method of use, price, quality, etc.). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF MARKET SEGMENT Determination of the attractiveness of different parts of the market requires consideration of: - The main purpose of the undertaking, - The state of the Enterprise, - The market environment in terms of companies offered opportunities and potential threats Analysis of the attractiveness of market segments phase includes: - Compiling a list of factors that determine the amount and level of profit utargów (dynamism of the segment, the possibility of entry of competitors, its own costs of entry into the market) - "Weight" to each criteria (eg number of competitors is two times more important than the "cost of entry into the market"), - To establish the scale of assessments The analysis ends with the calculation of aggregate index assessed the attractiveness of the segment (the sum of the products of instruments and scoring granted by us) CHOICE OF TARGET MARKETS The selection of target market segments - this is to determine whether the group can become a profitable market and the decision to direct the activity for a certain segment of the market The selection of the market relates to the ability to choose different strategies, especially market-sharing strategy: Marketing variable (mass) is aimed to offer a product for the market as a whole, and in any case for a bigger part of it. Marketing selective - usually focuses on a few segments, in the case of the largest companies can cover almost the entire market industry. This requires the use of different marketing mixes for different areas of the market. PLANNING IN THE PLACE OF SELECTED segments Product Positioning (positioning) - The role of the product and the company have to meet to "map consumer preferences and in the process meet the demand. Maps of perception - show how the consumers' perception of the dominant products in the segment and allow the market to designate the most desirable characteristics of the product. Different options for positioning your product: 1. leadership - to strengthen the position of 2. Product design to make the fight against competition, 3. repetition of already tested products on the market (imitating someone) 4. use gaps (slots) in the market CONCEPTS AND PRODUCT STRUCTURE The product - each object exchange market or anything that may be offered on the market. The core benefits - one or more characteristics, which the buyer to make the choice. The structure of the product consists of: - The core product (the product: sugar, flour) - The actual product - the core product + additional useful features such as packaging, labels. - Product of expanded - adding a new utility value such as a longer warranty service, free installation, etc. - Product of the potential - which includes everything can make the product more attractive and attract a buyer CLASSIFICATION OF Because of the designation: - Consumer products - Products in supply Consumer CLASSIFICATION Due to the materiality and consumption: - Non-durable goods - food articles with fixed or variable consumer preferences - Durable good - wear out gradually in a number of acts of consumption (high price elasticity of demand large) - Services Due to the behavior of consumers in the purchase: - Good convenient purchase - Good elected - Special products - Not a good perception CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS supply 1. raw materials and materials - are fully used in the product manufacturer. 2. major equipment - good to gradually move its value to the final product - Fixed equipment (buildings, machinery) - Auxiliary equipment (mobile equipment manufacturer) 3. materials - necessary for the operation of the main equipment (fuels and lubricants) 4. services to manufacturers include: - Services for the proper functioning of equipment (installation, repair) - Activities of producers to improve services (storage transport) - Consultancy services (technical expertise, legal advice) PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE 1. Phase births (marketing) - sales of the product is growing slowly, because the product is not yet well known. 2. Phase of growth (maturation) - sales is accelerating 3. Stage of maturity - the slowdown in sales related to market saturation, or the emergence of a substitute. 4. Phase of decline - the result of numerous new products and substitutes, sharply declining sales. TYPES OF LIFE CYCLE - A series of fashionable life - Recycle- Product life cycle to be modified, - Product life cycle "seasonal Bizarre" Policy making in a CEN The special property prices as a marketing decision to directly affect the price achieved on the size of the income, while the other instruments prior to raising the cost. You can distinguish four basic situations in determining the composition of the price level marketing: 1. Strategy controlled by the price at which the composition is shaped and implemented by price, requires that the other instruments have been the subject of marketing. 2. Strategy dominated by another marketing tool. This requires the subordination of money to another, the dominant instrument in the composition. 3. Strategy without the pricing. This includes cases price, due to its method of determining the official or prevailing market competition, is of secondary importance implement marketing composition. 4. Without a dominant strategy of the marketing. This requires that all instruments, form a coherent composition. Target setting pricing policy The three general objectives of pricing policy: 1. Achieving established sales volume, the company could do for three reasons: - Market saturation, - Zoom weight gain - Increasing the capacity utilization 2. The objectives of pricing policy related to profitable, focused on achieving: - The maximum profit in a short period of time, - A satisfactory annual return over the long term, - The required rate of return on the investments involved, 3. The objectives of pricing policy in order to preserve the status quo - the stability of the market or creating the right climate for their activities around the market. SETTING policy CEN There are four models of determining the direction of pricing policy: - A policy of low prices (discount) - uses the phenomenon of economies of scale and scope for action on a broad market remained low price available to many buyers eliminate the expense of additional services. - The policy of high prices - addressed to the customer on price, luxury goods, a well-developed system of additional services. - The policy of penetration - is to bring to market the product at a price while promoting a strong, sometimes raising the price of not forgetting the constant promotion. - Scraping policy - for new or improved products with high prices. It encourages new here and disaccord product. It is important to observe the product life cycle phases. TEST Marketing 1. The drawing up of test marketing. 2. Identify the purpose of the study. 3. The source test. 4. Identification of test method. 5. Construct a tool for research. 6. Choosing the sample of respondents. 7. The decision when and who will conduct the audit and how much will it cost. 8. test. 9. to analyze the data collected. 10. development of research results, the formulation of proposals, a written report of the examination. ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENT 1. demographic environment 2. economic environment a) income population b) loans and the availability and conditions of their award c) saving the population and its debt 3. natural environment a) shortage of raw materials b) increasing energy costs c) pollution 4. technological environment (technological and technical progress) 5. political environment 6. cultural environment FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CONSUMER 1. Culture a) culture b) Subculture c) social class 2. Social factors a) the reference group - Primary (family, friends) - Secondary (religious, trade union) - Aspiration of - Groups b) family c) the role and status 3. Personal factors 4. Psychological
2. The concept of marketing MARKETING IN A classic - means the planning, coordination and control of all activities of the undertaking, aimed at current and potential markets. (profit-oriented) - Create a market and the buyer is an objective of the enterprise of philosophy - Systematic impact on the market by means of specific tools - The decisions reflected in the market at plan and institutionalized form of the decision-making processes MARKETING IN RECOGNITION broad - the process of social and management, through which individuals and groups through the mutual exchange of goods and obtain what they need and want. 3. General principles of marketing PRINCIPLE OF SELECTION AND SHAPING deliberate firm - the most widely understood of the assets is the set of actual and potential buyers. PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST MARKET - providing the necessary information on the needs, desires and motives of potential buyers. THE IMPACT ON THE PRINCIPLE OF INTEGRATED MARKET (MARKETING MIX) - a concrete impact on the market not individual instruments, but well formed their composition (synergy).
Marketing mix is the composition of the hierarchical structure: - product - prices - distribution - promotion PRINCIPLE PLANNING market - the need to gather and analyze relevant information and considerations, design and evaluation of the actions of their anticipated consequences. PRINCIPLES OF CONTROL marketing efforts - a statement of implementation plans, as well as disclosure of possible causes of failure and a source of unexpected successes. 4. Marketing Features PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS: 1) the collection of market information 2) Market Research 3) planning of the product and the product 4) calculation of prices and delivery 5) organizing the distribution system 6) the planning of promotional activities 7) monitoring and analysis of the results of marketing EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS: 1) ad 2) activation of the sale 3) and in customer service (information, negotiation, contracting, selling, hiring, customer complaints, etc.) 4) Shipment of goods 5) transport and shipping 6) economy, stocks of finished goods 7) servicing buyers 8) control of billing and management of the contracts SUPPORT FUNCTIONS: 1) financing (credit distributors, hire-purchase, etc.) 2) participation in insurance and risk from its effects 5. Sectoral determinants of marketing Marketing of consumer goods - focused on the final link in the reproduction process, ie the household and the individual consumer or user who is the subject of a good physical. - The original character of demand (the needs of consumer-generated) - A large number of players representing the demand - A high number of individual decisions to purchase - Indirect distribution - The vast anonymity of market contacts MARKETING PRODUCTION GOODS (INDUSTRIAL) - Secondary nature of demand (in relation to demand in the market of consumer goods) - Assembled and formalized process for decisions to buy, - Limited number of potential buyers and a significant degree of concentration of demand - Distribution, direct or by using short-channel outlets, - Importance of certain leading marketing instruments (eg credit supply, personal sales, product approvals) - Strong links with international markets MARKETING SERVICES - Intangible nature of services - Services can not be produced "on the" consumption can usually occurs simultaneously with the provision of services - In principle can not be moved in space - Services are often customized and hardly giving up the standardization - Often have to provide a personal nature, closely associated with a particular contractor - Special emphasis is placed on developing a positive image and attract a potential customer confidence CONSUMERS AND BUYER Consumers - households - a body of socio-economic development; the person making the act of consumption (consumption) of the product. Buyer - a company market. The types of purchases: - Purchases regardless - Purchases made after one of the strong influence of family members - Purchases jointly Final goods and services - are purchased for consumption with (consumption) by the household. CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Profile (figure) describe consumer characteristics such as age, sex, occupation, education, marital status and family, place of residence, housing, mobility (change of place of residence). HIERARCHY OF NEEDS 1. physical needs - Physiological needs - Security 2. the needs of social affiliation - Of belonging and love - Respect and position of 3. Personal needs - The need to implement their own personality Living Disposal of income - the sum of all cash receipts to the household net of taxes. Living standards - a level of satisfaction of needs. Is determined by: - Mainly by Regulation Income - National income per capita growth rates and many of this size CONSUMER LIFESTYLE Lifestyles of consumers - a wide range of characteristics of social and psychological: - Material and spiritual culture of life, - Membership of a social class - Performed social roles, - Participation in a group of reference - Function as a opiniodawcy for other members of the group of reference - Phase of the life cycle, in which there is now a household and the consequent implications for joint decision - The amount of time devoted to various forms of activity DECISION-MAKING PROCESS It consists of 5 phases: - Feeling the need to - Looking for alternatives - search for and collect information about the various possibilities of meeting the needs of - Evaluation of alternatives - to analyze the collected information on the characteristics of alternative assets - Decision to purchase - Feelings after the purchase CONCEPT AND ROLE segmentation Market Segmentation - the division of the market in a relatively homogeneous group of consumers that differ in reactions to the product and the impact of other instruments on the market. Factors such as to prevent market segmentation: - Fragments of a given market show insufficient capacity or be unavailable for some reason - If the company can not or does not intend to diversify the product and the impact on the market - The enterprise is to produce "bulk" product of nature not susceptible to the diversification - Segmentation is unnecessary, if the product is intended only for a few solid mass audience - On a small scale economic activities, the costs may outweigh the benefits of segmentation, which may be due to the Conditions SELECTION CRITERIA segmentation Two approaches used in marketing studies to separate the segments: 1. The approach of "objective characteristics" - that describe the variables: demographic factors, economic, sociological 2. The approach that draws attention to "the reasons for buying (buying patterns) - "Why does the buyer buy a product?" - "How consumers respond to specific activation tool sale?" CRITERIA featuring buyers Segmentation criteria that describe the characteristics of buyers of consumer goods and services: - Criteria for geographic - Demographic criteria - Economic criteria - Criteria for social Criteria for fragmentation of the means of production: - Geography (location of purchasers and users) - Industry (industry, agriculture, etc.) - Economic (scale and method of use, price, quality, etc.). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF MARKET SEGMENT Determination of the attractiveness of different parts of the market requires consideration of: - The main purpose of the undertaking, - The state of the Enterprise, - The market environment in terms of companies offered opportunities and potential threats Analysis of the attractiveness of market segments phase includes: - Compiling a list of factors that determine the amount and level of profit utargów (dynamism of the segment, the possibility of entry of competitors, its own costs of entry into the market) - "Weight" to each criteria (eg number of competitors is two times more important than the "cost of entry into the market"), - To establish the scale of assessments The analysis ends with the calculation of aggregate index assessed the attractiveness of the segment (the sum of the products of instruments and scoring granted by us) CHOICE OF TARGET MARKETS The selection of target market segments - this is to determine whether the group can become a profitable market and the decision to direct the activity for a certain segment of the market The selection of the market relates to the ability to choose different strategies, especially market-sharing strategy: Marketing variable (mass) is aimed to offer a product for the market as a whole, and in any case for a bigger part of it. Marketing selective - usually focuses on a few segments, in the case of the largest companies can cover almost the entire market industry. This requires the use of different marketing mixes for different areas of the market. PLANNING IN THE PLACE OF SELECTED segments Product Positioning (positioning) - The role of the product and the company have to meet to "map consumer preferences and in the process meet the demand. Maps of perception - show how the consumers' perception of the dominant products in the segment and allow the market to designate the most desirable characteristics of the product. Different options for positioning your product: 1. leadership - to strengthen the position of 2. Product design to make the fight against competition, 3. repetition of already tested products on the market (imitating someone) 4. use gaps (slots) in the market CONCEPTS AND PRODUCT STRUCTURE The product - each object exchange market or anything that may be offered on the market. The core benefits - one or more characteristics, which the buyer to make the choice. The structure of the product consists of: - The core product (the product: sugar, flour) - The actual product - the core product + additional useful features such as packaging, labels. - Product of expanded - adding a new utility value such as a longer warranty service, free installation, etc. - Product of the potential - which includes everything can make the product more attractive and attract a buyer CLASSIFICATION OF Because of the designation: - Consumer products - Products in supply Consumer CLASSIFICATION Due to the materiality and consumption: - Non-durable goods - food articles with fixed or variable consumer preferences - Durable good - wear out gradually in a number of acts of consumption (high price elasticity of demand large) - Services Due to the behavior of consumers in the purchase: - Good convenient purchase - Good elected - Special products - Not a good perception CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS supply 1. raw materials and materials - are fully used in the product manufacturer. 2. major equipment - good to gradually move its value to the final product - Fixed equipment (buildings, machinery) - Auxiliary equipment (mobile equipment manufacturer) 3. materials - necessary for the operation of the main equipment (fuels and lubricants) 4. services to manufacturers include: - Services for the proper functioning of equipment (installation, repair) - Activities of producers to improve services (storage transport) - Consultancy services (technical expertise, legal advice) PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE 1. Phase births (marketing) - sales of the product is growing slowly, because the product is not yet well known. 2. Phase of growth (maturation) - sales is accelerating 3. Stage of maturity - the slowdown in sales related to market saturation, or the emergence of a substitute. 4. Phase of decline - the result of numerous new products and substitutes, sharply declining sales. TYPES OF LIFE CYCLE - A series of fashionable life - Recycle- Product life cycle to be modified, - Product life cycle "seasonal Bizarre" Policy making in a CEN The special property prices as a marketing decision to directly affect the price achieved on the size of the income, while the other instruments prior to raising the cost. You can distinguish four basic situations in determining the composition of the price level marketing: 1. Strategy controlled by the price at which the composition is shaped and implemented by price, requires that the other instruments have been the subject of marketing. 2. Strategy dominated by another marketing tool. This requires the subordination of money to another, the dominant instrument in the composition. 3. Strategy without the pricing. This includes cases price, due to its method of determining the official or prevailing market competition, is of secondary importance implement marketing composition. 4. Without a dominant strategy of the marketing. This requires that all instruments, form a coherent composition. Target setting pricing policy The three general objectives of pricing policy: 1. Achieving established sales volume, the company could do for three reasons: - Market saturation, - Zoom weight gain - Increasing the capacity utilization 2. The objectives of pricing policy related to profitable, focused on achieving: - The maximum profit in a short period of time, - A satisfactory annual return over the long term, - The required rate of return on the investments involved, 3. The objectives of pricing policy in order to preserve the status quo - the stability of the market or creating the right climate for their activities around the market. SETTING policy CEN There are four models of determining the direction of pricing policy: - A policy of low prices (discount) - uses the phenomenon of economies of scale and scope for action on a broad market remained low price available to many buyers eliminate the expense of additional services. - The policy of high prices - addressed to the customer on price, luxury goods, a well-developed system of additional services. - The policy of penetration - is to bring to market the product at a price while promoting a strong, sometimes raising the price of not forgetting the constant promotion. - Scraping policy - for new or improved products with high prices. It encourages new here and disaccord product. It is important to observe the product life cycle phases. TEST Marketing 1. The drawing up of test marketing. 2. Identify the purpose of the study. 3. The source test. 4. Identification of test method. 5. Construct a tool for research. 6. Choosing the sample of respondents. 7. The decision when and who will conduct the audit and how much will it cost. 8. test. 9. to analyze the data collected. 10. development of research results, the formulation of proposals, a written report of the examination. ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENT 1. demographic environment 2. economic environment a) income population b) loans and the availability and conditions of their award c) saving the population and its debt 3. natural environment a) shortage of raw materials b) increasing energy costs c) pollution 4. technological environment (technological and technical progress) 5. political environment 6. cultural environment FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CONSUMER 1. Culture a) culture b) Subculture c) social class 2. Social factors a) the reference group - Primary (family, friends) - Secondary (religious, trade union) - Aspiration of - Groups b) family c) the role and status 3. Personal factors 4. Psychological
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